Pandemania: the memory foam of f.o.m.o

Susan Byron
8 min readNov 27, 2020
Generation Z — the generation that wasn’t relentlessly taught how to over-dream and can thus just sort of, I don’t know, like, live its life — is now being labelled the “domestic cosy,” generation.

We are imprisoned inside a memory palace. Anyone, that is, that spends half of their life under glass, like an insect trapped, which is to say almost everyone. Your life, at least, is under glass, that of your phone, and large parts of both your personal memories and psychological peculiarities — a record of what memes you follow, the imagery you especially pursue— are to be found there.



Susan Byron

author of Cruft Head: Stories from Sry, CARCINOGEN, and Night of the Long Dr0nes IG: @susiebyronicheroine Twitter @SusanBByron